American Government

American Government

U.S. Constitution

U.S. Government For Kids


Rules to Help You Along in Room 221

Bring Headphones/Ear buds to Class Every Day!

Follow Class Announcements on Twitter: @rhs_soc_studies

ACT Prep

Things You Should Be Doing As A Junior To Prepare for College

College Preparation Tools

American Government 


This is a required course to graduate from Rossford High School, and one that requires you to put forth your best effort on a DAILY basis. The expectation is for you to participate in class, and be prepared every day.  You have ample opportunity to demonstrate that you are academically competent learners, effective communicators, productive individuals, culturally aware, and involved citizens.



Course of Study

A. Principles of Government (Ch 1-4)

B. Political Beliefs and Behaviors (Ch 5-7)

C. Interest Groups, Political Parties, Media (Ch 8-9)

D. Institutions (Ch. 10-18)

E. Civil Liberties / Civil Rights (Ch. 19-21)

F. Governing the States (Ch. 24-25)

G. Public Policy



Regular attendance is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL in this class.  I will strictly enforce the school attendance policy.  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to take care of the things that were done in class.


Classroom Management



B. Each one of you is expected to take an active part in class on a daily basis. When you enter this room, be prepared to think, ask questions, and make informed comments.


C. If you have difficulties in this class, feel free to drop by for extra help.  I am available during AI, before school, and after school.  If you need to see me before or after school, it is best to make an appointment. If a special problem or problems arise, see me as soon as possible, so that we can work things out.


D. If you are having "one of those days", let me know before class begins so that I can accordingly make allowances.



Expect nightly reading, viewing, and/or listening assignments.  TAKE THESE SERIOUSLY! You will be "in the dark" during the lectures, and discussions if you do a poor job of reading or (gulp!) do not do the reading at all.  You will also bomb the quizzes that are based upon the readings.


Late work is usually not accepted. If you are going to be absent, you are responsible to check the class web page as soon as possible to find out what you missed.



A. I use the following grading scale:

     A = 100-92

     B = 91-82

     C = 81-70

     D = 69-60

     F= Below 60


B. Your quarter grade will be based on the following factors:

1. Test scores - 40%

2. Quiz scores - 30%

3. Daily Work scores - 30%


C. Your semester grade will be based on the following factors:

1. Quarter grade - 40%

2. Quarter grade - 40%

3. Exam grade - 20%

How to contact me:

The best way to contact me is via email at . Please put your name in the subject line. I check this email account several times a day and it is the surest way to contact me.


The second best way to contact me is to see me during AI.  It is a professional courtesy to see me before school or prior to AI beginning.



Important Links for Regular Class Use:

- American Government

- U.S. Government for Kids

27 Amendments Study Stack

116th Congress

Presidents of the United States



60 Second Civics (60 Second Civics Podcasts)


60 Second Civics Topic Grid  


Annenberg Videos for American Government  


Current Events Template


Periodic Presidents - Amendments


Exam Study Session - Everything you should know at the half way point of this class.


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Ohio Dept. of Education Standards for American Government - American Government Performance Level Descriptors

27 Amendments Quizlet

Legislative Branch Glossary

Profile of the 117th Congress

Basic Principles of the Constitution

How much do you know about the Constitution?