Civil War - One Pager
Civil War One Pager
Use unlined white paper. You should select 8.5x11 or standard letter sized paper. (suggestion is to use microsoft word or publisher to create your document then save it as a .pdf to be attached to your email to . Be sure to put your name in the subject line.)
You will be assigned a topic to present and construct your one-pager upon.
Use a visual image or images, either drawn or cut out from websites, to create a central focus for your page.
Cluster around this image(s) impressions, feelings, or thoughts regarding what you have read or researched.
Develop a question or two (unwritten) and answer them within your one-pager.
Create the one-pager in such a way that your audience will understand something of your thinking about what you have read or researched.
The more visually appealing, the more your peers can learn from your pattern
Save your one pager as a .pdf and email it to , one calendar day prior to your presentation date.