World War 2
Course Outline:
I. Origins and Causes of the War 1919-1939
The War: Why it matters and What you need to know
The Great War and the Uneasy Peace: How WW 2 Happened
Hoping for Peace: The Rise of Dictators, 1933-1939
II. Starting the War: The Axis Invades and Conquers, 1939-1942
Invading Eastern Europe: Hitler's Power Grows
Blitzkrieg in Europe
The Ultimate Battle: Hitler v. Stalin
America on the Sidelines
Collision in Asia: Japan and America 1937-1941
III. Behind Enemy Lines: Nations at War
Maintaining Resources: The Axis
Working Together: The Allies
The War Against the Jews
IV. Planning and Launching the Allied Counterattack, 1942-1943
The Politics of Compromise
Taking North America, Sicily, and the Boot
Germany a Three-Time Loser: In Russia, At Home, and in the Atlantic
Guadalcanal, New Guinea, and Midway
Planning for the Rest of the War
V. The Long Haul, 1944
The Italian Campaign
Liberating Europe from Normandy to Paris and Beyond
Japan Begins to Crack
VI. Starting Over: The War's Aftereffects, 1945
Ending the War (Almost): The Final Offensive
The Japanese Defeat
The Uneasy Peace
VII. The Part of Tens
Ten Formidable Military Leaders of World War 2
Ten Weapons that Made a Difference
Ten "What Ifs?" of World War 2